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Does Stress Cause Weight Gain

Alexander Singh
Feb 1, 2023
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Want to lose weight and get rid of Stress? Wanted to live a healthy and happy life? In that case, you need to read this article. Here we have discussed what hormones cause Stress and why it’s important to control this emotion. You will also learn some tips to reduce Stress and lose weight. Continue reading to learn important aspects of Stress.

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What Is Cortisol?  

It is a glucocorticoid hormone that adrenal glands in your body produce. These are chemicals that regulate different bodily functions. To be precise, hormones carry 'messages through your blood to your skin, organs, tissues, and muscles. These signals help your body to understand what and when to do. Also, cortisol is a hormone that lowers inflammation in your body and manages metabolism. They also impact your sleeping cycle, especially for people with insomnia.

Cortisol impacts every system of your body- each tissue and organ. It is responsible for several functions in your body, such as:

• Help to control how your body uses proteins, fats, and carbohydrates

• Regulate your stress response

• Manage blood pressure and sugar

• Reduces inflammation

• Help to manage your sleep

The Relationship between Weight & Emotion

Emotions like Stress can compel people to make changes in their daily diet. Many people avoid eating food when they are low, stressed, anxious, and depressed. But several people start eating more food when they feel negative emotions. These people turn to food for comfort, consciously or unconsciously. Additionally, these people often recline to the most harmful food options like high-calorie and fatty and sweet foods.

When you eat during a stressful situation, it can lead to several issues. You start to gain weight, leading to obesity overnight. Not only has this, but the high food consumption led you to track many severe health issues like heart problems. To control your temptations to reduce weight, you need to start working on your emotions. Note that feelings of Stress can become the cause of different psychological and physical issues if you do not increase your weight. So, keeping your emotions in control can help you live a healthy life.

6 Tips to Reduce Stress  

We live in a busy and competitive world that has greatly impacted our emotions and health. This is why; stress and mental health issues like depression and anxiety are so common in our society. Since many people consider Stress a mere emotion, they don’t try to work on it. But little do they know that Stress is the cause of weight gain, heart problems, depression, etc.

Reducing Stress can help you improve your overall life. You can develop healthy mental and physical health. Apart from that, you will be able to focus on your personal and professional life, helping you to control your life.

Get Quality Sleep  

If you need to start working on your Stress but can only practice one thing, then improve your sleeping routine. No matter how much we ignore the fact sleeping, the experts-suggested 7 to 9 hours can improve your life. Similarly, a regular sleeping routine can restore and calm your body, regulates mood, improves concentration, and sharpen your decision-making ability. So, when you sleep for the right amount of time, you can eliminate the continuous Stress.

Experts also recommend you sleep at night rather than during the day. This approach is healthier for you. But how do you control your mind to get you to sleep when you feel Stressed? There are several things you can practice to sleep quickly as you go to your bed. This includes maintaining a comfortable room environment, stopping using mobile at least a few hours before sleep, stopping thinking negative thoughts, and wearing comfortable cloth.

Move Your Body  

If you want to build muscles and strength by going to the gym, this is the right time. Physical workouts not only help you become slim and fit but also help you reduce stress hormones, such as cortisol and adrenaline. Performing different workouts also stimulates the production of endorphins. These are the chemicals in your brain that are mood elevators and the body's natural painkillers.

When your body produces a high amount of endorphins, you build self-confidence and feel relaxed. This also helps you reduce Stress. So, if you want to live a life that is free of Stress and mental burdens, start performing exercises one day a week.

Practice Mindfulness  

The ideology of mindfulness is a relatively new aspect and method of improving emotions. Mindfulness has similar effects to exercising or yoga. This activity soothes your mind and inhibits your stress hormones that greatly make a difference in your life. Mindfulness practices impact activity in the amygdala, part of your brain. This brain's part is responsible for managing your stress response. With mindfulness, you can encourage amygdale to reduce your Stress.

Mindfulness also works on overall well-being. Since you will have excellent mental and physical health, there will be less chance of feeling Stress. Even if you are not living a good life, struggling with any severe health issue, or feeling stressed for any other reason, mindful techniques can control your stress so that you can focus on what important and what is possible to change.

Minimize Screen Time  

Though using smartphones, watching TV, or doing work on a laptop has become important in today’s world, they have a severe impact on your health. Besides impacting your eyes, it can also cause Stress. Smart devices can cause Stress in a bundle of ways. Using excessive social media can cause Stress and anxiety, as you lose your confidence by seeing pictures of your friends.

Smartphones also expose you to addictive behaviors that can ruin your life. They also naturally impact your mental health, which leads to Stress. Note that reducing screen time will also allow you to connect with friends and family. Feeling connections with your loved ones can reduce the symptoms of depression, anxiety, and Stress.  

Try Aromatherapy  

Aromatherapy is also a common practice to reduce Stress. It can help you treat a number of physical and mental issues from anxiety and Stress. You need to use essential oils in this method that produces aromas when you hear them. Since each oil has its neuropathic benefits, you gain their benefits by inhaling them.

When you inhale an aroma of essential oil, this triggers your brain's limbic system. This system is responsible for controlling memory, emotions, and learning ability. As a result, you start to relieve Stress. Another reason why aromatherapy benefits you is that it reduces stress and frustration. Based on the oil you choose, your mind starts to feel calm, and your body gets relaxed when you inhale the aroma.

Listen To Calm Music  

Music has a calming effect, no matter what type of music you listen to. When you listen to music, your nervous system calms, and your body starts to reduce cortisol levels. Both are the thing that can help you reduce Stress.

Music can also control Stress by managing your mental health issues that are causing Stress. Many people also feel Stress when they suffer from high blood pressure and heart rate. But with the help of music, you can control both problems. So, if you love to listen to music, never stop it listening during the Stress.

Does Stress Cause Weight Gain

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