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How to determine your weight loss percentage

Alexander Singh
Feb 1, 2023
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Weight gain is a much bigger problem than we understand, and it has badly affected a large chunk of the world’s population. In many leading countries today, people are dying of obesity and weight gain more than any other medical issue. This is because excessive weight gain leads to many other medical issues and even organ failure.

Weight reduction is the only way out for an obese person to live a healthy and happy life, but doing it right is the key to success. Calculating the percentage of your weight loss is what will get you through in the end. There are 2 ways to calculate the percentage of your weight loss. Let’s go over each one in detail

Nobody wants to leave behind the delicious chocolate cake, potato chips, and fried chicken, but if you want to get back to your toned and sculpted self, you’ll need to cut out additional calories. Of course, you can’t just stop eating everything you love without tracking how much weight you’re losing.

What is a weight loss percentage?

A weight loss percentage helps you determine how much weight you have lost up till now by following your diet plan or exercise routine. It helps you to know the current situation for your body, helping you analyze and plan accordingly for more weight loss.

Why weight loss percentage is important?

This percentage is important to help you keep yourself on track. To analyze anything in our daily routine, we take out percentages to give a clearer picture. It gives us the correct proportion of how much work you have done and how much is still left.

Why is it helpful?

Determining your weight loss percentage is important because it will keep you on track if you’re on the path to achieving your weight goals. Through this percentage, you will have a check as to how many calories you can consume daily and how much exercise you need to do. Because obviously, you do not want to miss out on your favorite cakes and doughnuts without even knowing if it’s helping you lose weight or not.

Through this percentage, you can analyze yourself on a weekly basis. That means seeing how much weight you have lost in the past 7 days and how much weight you still have to lose. The daily analysis will not give you an accurate result, so it is advisable to measure your weight loss percentage on a weekly basis to be more specific about your diet and exercise.

Tips to find yours

The first thing is to buy a weight measuring scale even before you start your diet and exercise. With a weight scale, you can see how much you weigh at the moment, and you can weigh yourself on a daily basis to keep track of how much you’re losing. This is how you can see your weekly weight loss trend and evaluate if you’re reaching your goals.

Be aware that by calculating how much weight you have lost, you will also see how much muscle you’ll use. So it is better to have a professional dietitian or a professional gym instructor who will keep a record of how much fat you are losing overall. This is important because you need to lose fat to reach your desired weight goals.

Use a formula                

The most authentic formula to measure your weight loss is weight lost/total weight*100. Simply divide your weight loss by your total weight on day 1 and then multiply the number by 100. This will give you a number in the form of a percentage, indicating what percentage of your initial weight you’ve lost so far.

How beneficial is a formula                            

Formulas are an ancient technique to acquire a mathematical result for a specific calculation. It is also one of the most reliable sources because you can do it yourself. If you don’t have a professional or tool to do this for you, then a formula is quite effective.

Use an online calculator            

Many websites have online calculators where you just have to put in your figures to get a result. These online calculators will ask how many pounds you have lost up till now and how much you weighed when you started. Then, they provide you with your current weight and how much you’ve lost so far in the form of a percentage.

How beneficial is an online calculator

Online calculators are for people who want quick and authentic results. People who do not have enough time to calculate their weight loss percentage by themselves can use these tools. It is a quick and easy way to see your weight loss progress in numbers and in percentage form as well.

Other helpful calculations

There are other weight loss measuring calculators available on the internet for your assistance as well. These include calculators in which they ask for measurements other than your weight that can correlate with your weight, such as height. Such a calculator is called a BMI Calculator. It takes your height measurement with your overall body weight, and calculating both; determines whether your weight is average or above-average for your height.

Tips to lose weight

Well, technically speaking, there are 2 main ways to lose weight. The first is by changing your eating habits, and the second involves changing your lifestyle. While they seem quite similar, there are some differences between the two. Let us see what these changes entail.

Eating habits

Changing your eating habits means cutting down on excess calories and fattening foods. Basically, you should avoid everything that your body should not consume to lose weight. Medications can help limit your hunder to prevent you from consuming as much food.

Lifestyle changes

Not only should you change your eating habits, but your lifestyle as well if you are serious about losing weight. You need to give your body the average amount of sleep and rest that it needs. You should stop eating after a specific time and eliminate habits that make you lazy.

To lose weight, you only have to change your lifestyle a bit and revise your eating habits. Once you are on the right track, you can start enjoying a healthy diet and lifestyle. Some basic tips to lose weight include:

·   Drink more than 8 glasses of water per day

·   Include fiber in your food

·   Take smaller portions of food

·   Add more veggies and fruits to your diet

·   Switch to low-fat dairy products

·   Avoid processed food

·   Avoid sugar

·   Exercise on a daily basis

How to determine your weight loss percentage

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