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knownwell Comprehensive Primary Care

Introducing our new Nurse Practitioner Jill Day

Travis Morrow
Sep 29, 2023
Jill Day

knownwell is thrilled to welcome Jill Day as the newest member of our team!  

Jill is our newest Nurse Practitioner and is an amazing addition to our primary care team. knownwell is proud to present expert-led, comprehensive primary care to all our patients. We believe in delivering accurate, compassionate, and clinically sound information about your unique experience.  

“I'm a board-certified Nurse Practitioner and have spent the last 15 years working in primary care,” Jill says. “I have a bachelor's degree in Exercise Science from Skidmore College and a master's degree in nursing from Northeastern University. My clinical interests include chronic disease prevention, obesity medicine, and women's health. I live locally with my husband, two boys, and a crazy chocolate lab named Clover. These days my time outside of work is spent shuttling my kids from sport to sport and starting arts and crafts projects that I never seem to finish.” 

To meet with Jill and the rest of our wonderful providers, please sign up to become a knownwell patient today!

Introducing our new Nurse Practitioner Jill Day

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